Panic On The Beach

Copyright 2008 Jens Haas -

I’m always very happy about feedback to my work that refers to what I was actually thinking. When I started the Mountain Project, I thought quite a bit about the need to include references as to scale (like in “Jaws,” when marine biologist Matt Hooper tries to take a picture of the great white shark following their boat, and asks the horrified police chief Martin Brody to stay in the frame, so that he will be a reference for how large the shark is…). Reference as to scale is of course one of the many rules that are supposed to make a good photograph. For my work it has turned out that breaking this rule makes for the best images, while obeying it usually leads to images that are too editorial for my taste. Then there are those, like these two from a couple of weeks ago, that are sort of in between: Both of these photographs include trees (and everybody knows the size of a tree, so there is an obvious reference), but the resulting images are still kind of abstract. They work for me. Thanks for the comment over at to Vincent Garofalo.

Copyright 2008 Jens Haas -