Lettre De Davos

Rueblitorte by Jens Haas
Rueblitorte by Jens Haas

Dear Jens,

I’m writing from Davos. It is such a coincidence that you are getting in touch right now, as I was contemplating your progress right in what you probably consider your ‘Ur-terrain’. I’m writing in haste, I’m here for some meetings and have to get to a dinner. So here’s what is on my mind. In the summer, there will be a conference on personality psychology right at Lake Geneva. I was thinking of submitting a case study that engages with you. You would have to give permission for this. I was hoping that some of my colleagues here in the region would find it interesting to think about someone from abroad whose work is so closely connected to the Alps. What do you think? Needless to say, and to my regret, we cannot schedule an appointment quite yet, for I have extended my stay.

Dr. Hare